Thinking About...General Assembly
I spent 44 hours in Mobile, Alabama, last week, attending the 44th General Assembly of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America. General Assembly is the annual meeting of the church where important (and sometimes tedious) work of the church is done. I left this year’s Assembly encouraged by the spirit of the denomination and hopeful about the direction our church is headed. Since returning to Richmond, I’ve been thinking about the General Assembly and a few of the things that encouraged me.
Our Church: Little Ears, Little Hearts
"Children require us to recognize our own need for our loving Father...They may not be able to think critically, but they are able to understand a loving God."
Thinking About…Sins of Racism
Erik reflects on a resolution that City Church brought to our regional Presbytery calling on our denomination (the Presbyterian Church in America) and its member churches to recognize and repudiate the sin of racism, specifically as it was manifested during the Civil Rights Period of the 1950s and 60s.
Our Church: The Trumpeters and Singers
“My greatest hope is that, through the music we lead, people can experience God and get a glimpse of heavenly worship.”
Thinking About… Basketball Coaches
Tonight is the NCAA Final Four Championship Game. It culminates a month-long obsession over college basketball, and especially the madness of March with its bracket challenges, Cinderella stories, and, inevitably, coaching changes.
Why I Joined the Battle as a Physician
I knew that experiencing death in medicine would come. Like storm clouds that are forecast, approach, build, then darken prior to releasing their torrent, I expected the experience of death. Not one of us is immune to it. Personally and professionally, it approaches. I knew this. In some ways, I was prepared for it. The form and razor sharp blade it would wield, I was not prepared for.
What the 2016 Super Bowl Commercials Tell Us About Ourselves
Here are five insights can we glean from the ads during Super Bowl 50.
Our Church: Honoring the Host
Every week at City Church we meet at the property of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, our host. GCPC’s beautiful church is located in the heart of Richmond, Virginia. It’s very big and very old, and is a freckle on the face of a city with many other houses of worship and monuments honoring the people that have made (and continue to make) our city beautiful today.
Our Church: The Bread for the Body
"Making the bread gives me a chance to dwell in the mystery..."
Thinking About...*Our* Church
City Church is a lot like a bicycle: the passenger is its engine.
Caleb Grant Woodfin, 2002-2015
Caleb Grant Woodfin, age 13, passed away on November 11, 2015, in Richmond, Virginia, from a sudden and devastating brain aneurysm. He is the beloved son of Grant and Tracye Woodfin, and brother to Ethan, age 8.